Giving a 100% - Keeping it 100

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twitter Marketing Tip - 7 Easy Ways to Monetize With Twitter

Just about everyone has figured out by now that Twitter has an amazing potential to be a fantastic sales tool for their business. There are, in fact, many other benefits to Twitter besides direct sales that are just as valuable if not MORE valuable. If you build your Twitter account the right way, you should be taking advantage of each and every one of these benefits. This Twitter Marketing Tip shows the top 7 ways to use Twitter to build your network and monetize it.

1)  Direct Marketing

The reason most of us are using Twitter is to get our messages out there in front of thousands of very targeted people. You can do this in several ways using Twitter. The first way is by simply putting your link in your Twitter profile and having people come to your website or blog to check you out.

Many people who visit your Twitter page will click on your link and decide to visit your website. If you are targeting people correctly, this can be a fantastic source of traffic for your website or blog. Some of these people will come back time after time, if they like what you're saying. Many will even purchase the products you recommend.

The second way to get your sales message out on Twitter is to create Tweets with your links right in them. Please don't be obvious and say things like, "Hey, check this out." or "Click here now." That will make you stick out like a spammer for sure. Instead, write a compelling headline that will attract people's attention and entice them to click on your link because it interests them. Getting and keeping people's attention is of utmost importance on Twitter.

2) Networking

Networking and building business relationships are the key to building any successful business. Almost every important milestone or big success in my own personal business can be attributed to knowing the right people to get things accomplished.

Twitter allows you to network with thousands of people in your chosen targeted field, people who have the skills you need. I don't know any other way besides Twitter where you can find such a huge amount of targeted people to network with so quickly. Just be really careful that you choose the right people. Check out new contacts very carefully before making decisions. Try to build relationships so you get to know the people you may end up working with.

People ask how you can benefit from a huge list of followers. Well, you are noticed when you have a big following. Many are against having lots of followers, but how often do you talk to your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, etc? You can still have a relationship with people even if you don't directly talk with them daily or weekly.

You are just opening up a line of communication. If someone wants to talk with you, they can. If you send emails out to your list, you don't really talk to each of them either. But you're still building up a relationship and influencing them.

3) Joint Ventures

This is kind of like networking... but it's networking on steroids. One of the easiest and fastest ways to make money on Twitter is to build up relationships with people in your specific niche market and then invite them to joint venture with you. Here's a secret the guru's don't want you to know.

Shhhhh... It's all about building relationships.

The gurus network constantly to make their money. They go to lots of conferences and seminars each and every month. It's not just to speak and sell products. That's second on their agenda. The real reason they travel constantly and show up all over the world isn't even to brand themselves and learn new techniques. All of these reasons are important to the gurus, of course, but they're not the most important. Want to know what it is? It's to network! They sometimes call it "The Back Scratchers Club." What happens when you join your list with someone else's list? It can double or triple your list and you only have to work with one person. That's called leverage. So find people in your niche to joint venture with on Twitter and watch your business explode.

4) Branding

I personally think this is one of the biggest benefits of using Twitter. I know that for my own business it has been even more powerful than direct sales. I have always built businesses by having a good following of people who I network with and by having them send me referrals. Since starting my Twitter account, that recognition is growing exponentially.

People who I've never spoken with, people who weren't referred to me by someone else, are already familiar with me because of my Twitter brand and many of them have the impression that I am an expert in my chosen field. When you have people coming to you like that, completely pre-sold on the idea of doing business with you, it's priceless!

5) Feedback

You can ask any question you can think of and get an answer on Twitter in just seconds. I personally have thousands of people that could view my question and possibly answer me back. It's like having Google, with real life experience, right at your beck and call. You can ask for feedback on a blog you're working on, you can ask a question about the product you are thinking about buying or selling. I even ask questions about my dogs. People are just waiting to help you with their honest opinions.

6) Customer Service

Businesses have always been aware of the fact that their online reputation is very important. Now, with Twitter, they have to be extremely aware, and in real time.

One bad Tweet can travel very, very far with the power of a simple RT (Retweet). You need to be on your toes with what you are Tweeting about and how you are promoting or branding your business. It can really put the hurt on your Twitter brand if you make someone unhappy with less than top notch customer service.

On the other hand, if a customer takes the time to Twitter a frustration with your business, it also gives you the ability to immediately react and fix the problem (publicly) before a bad thought or idea can become associated with you or your business as well. So use Twitter to give great customer service to your customers. This pays long term dividends.

7) Media Coverage

We all know that this world we live in loves the media. TV, Internet, Videos, etc. are a way of life now. What would we do without it?

Well, Twitter covers this too.

You can post photos of your puppies, videos of your latest project or product, online training podcasts or videos that you have on your blog, just about anything you can think of. Your Tweets can alert you to the latest trends, new online products, a sale at WalMart, whatever. You can reverse this and Tweet in a video about what you want or have for sale. There is just no limit to how you can use Twitter to improve and monetize your life.

There are 100's more Twitter benefits than these 7 I've just covered. People are constantly finding new ways to integrate Twitter into our lives everyday. I believe we have yet to see some of the amazing things that will come from Twitter. If you've found another way Twitter is benefiting you,please share your Twitter Marketing Tip with us.

To learn more about how to create traffic with Twitter, Social Marketing and Affiliates, you can check out Carol at

You'll learn all about Marketing Tips That Work, Social Marketing - Traffic Generation - List Building - Affiliate Marketing - Product Creation.

From Carol Hansen - From My Kitchen Table - Bizness Wizard.

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