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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Top Twitter Tools - The Most Popular Twitter Tools

Check out these Twitter tools - they are each marked out of 10 for how user-friendly, handy, clever and entertaining they are.

At the moment, these are arguably the most popular Twitter tools around. Some I think will take off - if they haven't already. And some are gimmicks, some geeky, some that have already taken off. Gosh, Twitter moves so fast.

If you'd like an update of the latest Twitter tools every day, visit Twitter Blogger, sign up to the blog and get the latest and greatest delivered to your inbox every day. is a little like but creates even shorter URLs. Nice. rose to prominence on the coattails of Twitter and shortened 20 million URLs last week. The New York-based start-up also recently raised US$2 million from venture capitalists. So it's pretty popular then.

Where would we be without these URL shorteners?

Twitterblogger rating: 9.5/10

Twitter 101

Okay, so this isn't strictly a tool, but it will help new twitterers (tweeters?) understand the ins and outs of the little social media darling that is Twitter.

Search Engine Watch has created a three-part article for those who are just getting started with Twitter or who want to know how it works. They are on part 2 (you can still access part 1 though). Find out everything you need to know about setting up and using a Twitter account. This article series should help you leverage Twitter to market yourself or your company.

Twitterblogger rating: 8/10 (for newbies)

Twitter applications

Check out these applications for ways to send and receive Twitter Updates - hosted by Twitter itself so the tools are spot on.

Twitterblogger rating: 7/10 (there could be more on there to be honest)

Twitter Search

Twitter Search looks a bit like Google Search and it's just as easy to use. Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information coursing through its network.

You can track what everyone is saying about you, your favourite actors, brands, whatever you want. Oooh the possibilities...

Twitterblogger rating: 10/10


Tweetmeme aggregates all the popular links on twitter to determine which links are most popular. Tweetmeme categorizes links into four categories - blogs, video, images and audio. It means you can find the most popular stories - and tweet about them too.

Twitterblogger rating: 8/10


It's the Yellow Pages for Twitter. It's funny - there's a directory for everything on the internet. And now there's one specifically for Twitter too. grabs publicly available messages from Twitter. Then they analyse and categorise each user responsible for those messages into categories at It narrows your searching into specific niches where you can find who and what you are looking for. It also lists each result's most recent post, number of followers and a URL if there is one.

Twitterblogger rating: 6/10 (it's good, but directories are everywhere and there will be many more before long)

Tiny URL

You've probably seen this one on Twitter. By entering in a URL in the text field, tinyurl creates a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires. The other (obvious) benefit is that you can fit really long URLs into your 140 characters.

Twitterblogger rating: 10/10 (where would we be without it? It also gets an extra for being the original URL shortener)

Tween Scan

I like. In the innovative world of Microblogging, Tweet Scan aims to organise it all. It lets you search Twitter for any keyword you choose.

You can search public messages and user profiles - and you can choose to get your Tweet Scan results by email and RSS.

Twitterblogger rating: 8/10


This is exactly what it says it is. You can do a load of tweets and schedule them. It all looks a bit amateur but it's okay. I guess this is good if you have loads of ideas at once or you want to save all your random ideas and then give them some sort of structure. It's motto is "plan, set and forget". Really, who can honestly forget about Twitter? It's too addictive. Anyway, there are some other tools as well - reporting, etc. Worth a look.

Twitterblogger rating: 6/10


TwitSeeker is basically an alternate search engine for finding users - "twits" - and browsing the results all in one combined control panel. I tried to get access but I've been put in a queue. Well! So I guess I can't really comment on how good/bad/ugly this is. Anyone else?

Twitterblogger rating: N/A


This is okay...some people love it. I prefer to go to Twitter itself - but perhaps I'm missing some fundamental point. Basically, you can manage your tweets and group the tweets you get in - all from your desktop. It's very geeky - so I guess if you're a geek you'll love it. I'm a bit of a geek though - clearly not enough of a geek to truly appreciate this one.

Twitterblogger rating: 5/10


This is the website for a book called Twitter Power. It's all a bit salesly and gimmicky. My humble opinion is that it will be old before it's even finished being new.

Twitterblogger rating: 3/10


A. Thing. Of. Beauty. I love this. Oh go on, just take a look. You have to really, it can't be explained. It's quirky, gimmicky and I love it. It's one twitter tool that I'll be using a lot.

Twitterblogger rating: 8/10

Tineke is a successful online copywriter, who has written for Vodafone, Waitrose, Natwest, Vets4Pets, Southport Tourism and many more. She is also a social media fiend who loves Twitter. Visit her blog at or her copywriting site at []

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