Giving a 100% - Keeping it 100

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twitter - Making Money Quick in Just Minutes a Day

You are reading this because you have likely just come across Twitter, or you've heard of it but are not really sure what it is or how to use it.

In this article you will learn:

o What is Twitter?

o What is micro-blogging?

o Why is it so successful?

o How to use Twitter to double your income in minutes a day

o The really important DO's of Twitter

o The even more important DON'Ts of Twitter.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is the world's preeminent "micro-blogging" social networking website. It was launched in March 2006. Even though it is so new, it has skyrocketed to dominance and is considered by many to be equal in importance to Facebook!

It is a social networking platform in which people invite you to follow them. Here's an example. Let's say a friend of yours, Albert, invites you, Bill, to follow him on Twitter. You may accept him (by clicking on the ACCEPT button) or you may reject that offer (by clicking on the BLOCK button).

You might block:

o People you do not know

o People you do not like

o People whose culture or morals do not fit with yours (like blocking porn stars)

Even if you accept someone, you could later block that person if, for example, you realize that they just want to sell and are not on Twitter for the true social networking ideals.

In this example, let's say that Bill accepts Albert's invitation. Now, Albert has one Follower (or one more Follower) and Bill now is Following Albert. Bill is now in the Twitter system and can invite Carol to follow him. You get onto Twitter by invitation because you must follow someone. In this way, a community is built. Albert has his community of those he follows and those who follow him. And, it is the same for Bill, and for Carol, and for the millions who are on this platform.

Twitter Popularized The "Micro-Blog"

Emails can be as long as you wish, with attachments as huge as you wish. Blog posts can be as long as you wish. Articles are limited to a maximum of about 1,500 words. But, comments posted on Twitter are limited to 140 characters - even including spaces!

In this era of speed in which no one seems to have any time, Twitter popularized updating your friends and sending text-based Direct Messages (called DMs) using only 140 characters. Here's one I just posted today:

"I'm sitting in my hotel room in Gold Coast Australia writing an ezine article on Twitter."

That's 89 characters including spaces and punctuation. I could stop there, or add more. How do I know it's 89? Because Twitter automatically counts down for me and displays that I had 51 characters to go. So, I kept going.

"I'm sitting in my hotel room in Gold Coast Australia writing an ezine article on Twitter. Though I live in Canada, I'm here giving a speech for World Internet Summit."

Now I am at 167 characters. But, I'm allowed only 140. Twitter's counter (now red) shows me at -27. That means I need to eliminate at least 27 characters. I realize that the comment "Though I live in Canada" is not too important because my Twitter followers likely know that. So here is my next attempt:

"I'm sitting in my hotel room in Gold Coast Australia writing an ezine article on Twitter. I'm here giving a speech for World Internet Summit."

That brings me down to -3. I'm almost there. So, I delete one of the spaces between my two sentences. I'm at -2. Then, I delete the entire word "sitting" and I'm done. I hit the UPDATE button and my dozens or thousands of Twitter Followers know what's up in my life. It's easy. It's fun. It's free.

Why Is Twitter So Successful?

Twitter's success is based on two principles important to social networking:

o Firstly, it is really easy to use and understand.

o Secondly, it takes only seconds to post or to read a micro-blog.

How You Can Double Your Income Using Twitter

You simply increase your number of Twitter Followers, build a relationship with them, then offer them something that they may well like.

Tweets (that is, messages sent to Followers on Twitter) are more eagerly read than mass-emails. So, there is a greater connection and a greater opportunity to monetize your list of Twitter Followers.

The Number One Key then is to dramatically increase your Twitter Followership.

The Steps to Increasing your Twitter Followership

Here are the steps to getting your list started...

o Open a Twitter account and post a photo as that is part of the fun of Twitter.

o Ask someone, by email or phone, to invite you or accept a Twitter invitation that arrives.

o Using Twitter's search function, find friends of yours and invite them.

o Next, decide the type of Twitter Followers you would like to attract. Let me use an example. If you love scented candles (or wish to sell scented candles online through Twitter), then search for "candle" or "candles" or "scented candles" or "fragrance" or "relax" or whatever other key words you feel would find you the type of friend (or customer) you want.

o Each search will return to you a list of Twitter members. Read down the list and click the FOLLOW button for those whom you feel resonate with you. It's totally your choice.

o Keep doing this and two things will happen.

o Firstly, you will be following lots of people.

o Secondly, some of them will eagerly follow you back.

o Thirdly, you will begin getting Tweets which you need to answer.

You are now beginning to have fun on Twitter. Congratulations. People will send you Tweets or DMs (Direct Messages). You need to reply. And, you need to initiate micro-blogs like the one I constructed earlier in this article.

Soon you will follow 2,000 other Twitterers. At this point, you may well have several hundred Followers. The difference is too large and Twitter will prevent you from following any more. With each day, more people will find and follow you so your ratio will improve. To follow more than 2,000 others on Twitter, you must keep your number of followers within about 10% of the number you follow. When you follow 2,000, you will need to wait till 1,800 follow you. But, there is a short-cut. Read on to the Second DO below.

Here Are the All-Important Twitter DO's

The very first DO is: use your real name "Mary McGregor" so that others can find you. You may also use a nickname. I don't.

The second DO has to do with speeding the process of getting more followers. Simply wait for several days after following someone and then delete them if they do not follow you back. How do you know? Just look at the list of those you follow. If you see a "DM" or "Direct Message" button, then they are following you. If it is blank, then they have not followed you. You may wish to go through that entire list and purge (or delete) anyone who has not followed you. Now, your ratio is in balance and you can go out inviting more and getting more followers.

The third DO is about keeping in touch. Each day, send a micro-blog of anything that is on your mind, a fun website you've found, etc.

The fourth DO is to reply to DMs sent to you.

The fifth DO (and you must wait till you have earned a relationship) is to offer something for sale, but in a conversational way. Here's an example...

"WOW, I just found the world's funniest video. I laughed like crazy. Check it out on my blog"

That just fits within the 140-character ceiling. If you've built good relationships and if the video is really funny and if the video is about scented candles in some way and if there is a compelling offer to buy scented candles on your blog website, then you will begin getting sales!

And the final DO is about publicizing your Twitter membership. Put on your business card and in your email signature and everywhere: "Follow me on"

And, Now For the Even More Important DON'Ts

Firstly, DON'T begin selling too soon.

Secondly, DON'T make your sell obvious. Make it conversational.

Thirdly, DON'T ignore DMs. They are what creates the social networking.

DON'T lose interest. Once you have created this network, you need to mother it to nurture it.

And, The Final Point...

Have fun. It's easy. It's fast. It really works.

And, you can get much more on Raymond's proven success system in his bestselling hardcover book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE. Claim yours right now at

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