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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Google Alert - Twitter News

News9 new results for Twitter News
Is Twitter Really More Addictive than Alcohol? The Vagaries of Will and Desire
By Maia Szalavitz | @maiasz | February 7, 2012 | + Twitter and Facebook are harder to resist than alcohol and cigarettes, but so is the urge to work, according to new research on people's daily struggles with self-control and desire.
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Brazil sues Twitter over roadblock warning posts
By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- The government of Brazil has filed a lawsuit against Twitter, demanding the micro-blogging site suspend the accounts of users who tip drivers off to police roadblocks and radar traps. The move comes less than two weeks ...
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How Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter have Changed the ROI of Leadership
Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter have changed the ROI on leadership and it's your responsibility to get in the game. Do you have something innovative to say? Do you trust yourself enough to share what is on your mind? The social media community out there ...
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Court strikes down Prop 8, celebs head to Twitter to celebrate
By Michelle Profis, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Eric Stonestreet took to Twitter to celebrate the striking down of Proposition 8. ( -- A federal appeals court has ruled California's gay marriage ban unconstitutional in a decision announced ...
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Sky News clamps down on Twitter use
The Guardian
Sky News has told its journalists not to repost information from any Twitter users who are not an employee of the broadcaster. An email to staff on Tuesday laid out new social media guidelines for Sky News employees, including a contentious ban on ...
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The Guardian
Twitter Used to Deliver Nevada Caucus Results - 10000 Words
But on Saturday night, the night of the Nevada Caucus, Twitter was also used to deliver live results, directly from their source, the Nevada Republican Party. The feed, @NVVoteCount, was a partnership between the Nevada Republican Party and Twitter.
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Who Owns Your Twitter Account? #Itmaynotbeyou
Corporate Counsel
Who owns a Twitter account -- the person who used it or the company for which he worked at the time? That question has yet to be resolved, but a federal magistrate judge has allowed several claims by PhoneDog LLC against a former independent contractor ...
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How Twitter captures the heartbeat of current affairs
Four years and 12206 more tweets per second later, the volume of Super Bowl-related Twitter activity is evidence of something more significant than a societal preoccupation with football's greatest game or brands' advertising gambles.
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Poll: Cable, local TV are tops for political campaign news; few turn to social ...
Washington Post
Twitter, YouTube and Facebook were at the bottom of the list. But with only Republicans choosing a presidential nominee this time around, fewer people are interested in following campaign news in any medium. This year's poll marks the first time that ...
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Blogs2 new results for Twitter News
Teenagers handed warning for racially abusing Newcastle Sammy ...
By MirrorFootball
Decision not to prosecute came after consulting Newcastle striker.
Mirror Football
GOP Primary Show: Non-Stop News And Noise In The Age Of Twitter
By The Huffington Post News Team
Last week, Jon Ralston, a veteran Las Vegas Sun columnist, dared reporters to ignore Donald Trump's unveiling of his presidential endorsement -- with low expectations about how that might play out. "I suggest media boycott of ...
Msnbc on Huffington Post

Web1 new result for Twitter News
twitter news~ [feb]~Sahara dumps BCCI, surrenders Pune franchise
twitter all breaking news/important news.. here :special18: http:// maximum 200 characters.

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