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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Google Alert - Twitter News

News10 new results for Twitter News
Twitter, Gilt CEOs Fight SEC's 500-Shareholder Rule for Startups
14 (Bloomberg) -- Twitter Inc., Gilt Groupe Inc. and other Internet startups urged Congress to pass legislation easing financial-reporting rules for closely held companies. Twitter Chief Executive Officer Dick Costolo and Gilt CEO Kevin Ryan, ...
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Twitter's contentious redesign boosts unofficial apps
(CNN) -- The week-old redesign of quick-messaging service Twitter was meant to simplify its tools and make it more accessible to newbies. But it has had some unintended consequences. Independent developers of applications that tie into Twitter's ...
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Many Twitter Users Back President Obama, Poll Shows
Wall Street Journal
The latest WSJ/NBC poll shows that Twitter's young and educated user base makes it highly Democratic, creating a potential voter-contact tool for President Obama and other Democratics. Jonathan Weisman has details on The News Hub. ...
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Demi Moore says changing Twitter name 'isn't a top priority' (seeing 'New ...
Entertainment Weekly
by Aly Semigran Seeing as some would do everything in their power to not be associated with Ashton Kutcher, especially on Twitter, some folks are perplexed as to why the Two and a Half Men star's soon-to-be-ex-wife Demi Moore has kept her long-standing ...
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Twitter Fail Robot heralds an outage for some users
by Elinor Mills December 14, 2011 2:46 PM PST Follow @elinormills Twitter appears to be experiencing sporadic outages this afternoon. Some users reported error messages when trying to use the service, although some third-party clients such as TweetDeck ...
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Twitter will tell you when a user blocks you
ZDNet (blog)
By Zack Whittaker | December 14, 2011, 8:01am PST Summary: Twitter users are now being told that they are being blocked by another user. Whether it is a bug, or designed as so, it is not clear. Under the 'New New' Twitter, which was recently announced, ...
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Understanding Twitter's New Redesign
Practical Ecommerce
Twitter has just launched several enhancements that include a major redesign of its layout, the introduction of Facebook-style brand pages, embeddable tweets and a redesign of its mobile and Tweetdeck apps. For individuals. Twitter is opting for ...
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Donald Trump sparks Twitter feud with Rosie O'Donnell, calling her a 'true ...
New York Daily News
The real estate developer got into a Twitter tiff with the talk show host Wednesday, taking shots at her TV show ratings and engagement to partner Michelle Rounds. "I feel sorry for Rosie's new partner in love whose parents are devastate at the thought ...
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New York Daily News
Google, Twitter, Yahoo founders warn piracy bill would stifle innovation
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 12/14/11 12:50 PM ET The founders of major web companies including Google, Twitter, Yahoo and eBay sent an "open letter to Washington" on Wednesday, warning that pending piracy legislation could stifle innovation and censor free ...
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Payvment Introduces Support for Mobile Shopping on Twitter
MarketWatch (press release)
PALO ALTO, Calif., Dec 14, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Payvment, the number one Facebook e-commerce platform, today launched a new mobile shopping experience optimized to support Twitter's new design. Shoppers can now click on a tweet in their stream to ...
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Web4 new results for Twitter News
Summing Up Interesting Twitter News Of 2011 | Buy Real Twitter ...
Twitter is the online social hub of gossips, news, and events. With the year 2011 almost ending, here is a summary of Twitter news on 2011.
new twitter News | VentureBeat
News About Tech, Money and Innovation. VentureBeat Profiles ... Thursday morning, Twitter started its launch of a brand-new interface. The changes are fairly ...
Twitter launches Brand pages | The Twitter News Channel | Twitdom ...
Twitter Digg Delicious Stumbleupon Technorati Facebook. Twitter News · Twitter Signups went up 3x on iOS 5 Launch Day. Popular; Latest; Comments; Tags ...
Twitter mentions of Twitter News Gary Speed Duncan Ferguson
Twitter News Gary Speed Duncan Ferguson tweets. Adam Jameson. would like to take this opportunity in thanking the twitter world for being complete wankers. ...

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